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珍惜目前所有 Cherish What We Have-英语作文

其他类英语作文 2022-07-19 08:18:00

  在平平淡淡的日常中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的有关知识、经验和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式。那么你有了解过作文吗?下面是小编帮大家整理的珍惜目前所有 Cherish What We Have-英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。

  Today, as I had nothing to do, so I opened my computer and found a movie to watch The story told about a 13 years old girl wanted to be a woman, so that she could have the beautiful face and perfect body shape Then the magical thing happened, she became 30 and she got everything I had the same feeling with the girl when I was at her age, I wanted to grow up quickly Every stage of life has its happiness, so there is no need to skip the stage.



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